Highlights of Side by Side’s First Year

Side by Side’s first year is coming to an end. We think this is a good time for us to reflect on our personal highlights of Side by Side’s first year:

Dominic’s highlights of Side by Side’s first year were to have school with Anita, to have “home time”, to go shopping with Mali and to go swimming with Janine.

Janine’s highlight was eating strawberries fresh from Side by Side’s garden.

Madeline’s highlights of Side by Side’s first year were writing in chocolate sauce, building a bookshelf with Anita, Philipp and Nadia and seeing all the cats every week.

Noah’s highlights were to playing with playdoh, making fruit salad with Karen and playing safari.

Keyan’s highlights were going in the garden to see the carrots and grapes, patting William and Miele, and seeing Snuggles and Cuddles without any fur. He also liked drumming with Philipp and playing the alphabet game with Anita.

Karen’s highlight was also making fruit salad with Noah. She also loved making “blue bubbles” with Simon and making playdoh with Arnav.

Mali said that she liked meeting Side by Side’s four cute, little cats and  that she liked that so many vegetables and fruits are growing in our garden. She also liked going the vegetable market with Janine and Dominic and making Chinese lunch together with them.

Anita’s highlight of Side by Side’s first year was successfully creating Side by Side and getting all of the licences! She’s loved working with all of her students and their families, and has enjoyed watching them progress. She enjoyed planting the garden with Dominic and Janine and watching the garden grow – the strawberries and cucumber were so tasty! Anita has also loved having the cats visit her classroom, eating outside when the weather is nice, negotiating session activities with Jayden and Madeline, creating a photo album with Alana, and finally winning maths monopoly against Claudia! She aims to finally defeat Maddy and Kiera next year.

Philipp’s highlights of Side by Side’s first year were having a snowball fight with Dominic, Janine, Mali and Anita; drumstick stealing cats and having some really great songs to play (written by his music therapy clients).

Maddy’s highlights of the year were playing a timed maths game on the computer and beating her score, having the cats join in while playing maths monopoly, and winning some silly bands for making a new record in the ball throwing, skip counting game.

All photos on Side by Side’s website have been posted with permission from our clients, or their parent/guardians. These photos belong solely to Side by Side and are not to be used, reproduced or downloaded without our permission. If you or your child is in one of the photos, and you would like a copy, please contact us.